Happy New Year! The start of a new year is the perfect time to make a resolution.
Start off 2024 right: Resolve to gain new insights and a better understanding of key trends in today's workers' compensation environment by attending WCRI's 40th Annual Issues & Research Conference, March 5-6, in Boston, MA.
Our two-day program highlights presentations of WCRI's latest research findings:
- Comorbidities and the Functional Recovery of Low Back Patients
- Excessive Heat and Work-Related Injuries
- Impact of Vertical Integration on the Utilization of Care
- Medical Inflation in Workers’ Compensation
- Psychological Risk Factors and Functional Recovery
It also draws on the diverse perspectives of highly respected workers' compensation experts, policymakers, and researchers, such as our keynote, acclaimed Harvard economist David Cutler. David's research touches on some timely issues affecting health care, including long COVID, artificial intelligence, and health care workforce challenges.
Take advantage of this opportunity to expand your knowledge and network with your peers at this leading workers' compensation forum. A discounted, early-bird conference registration rate as well as a special conference hotel rate is available for a limited time.
Click here to learn more about the agenda and/or register.