Recently we had the pleasure of talking to one of our members ─ Bill Londrigan, president of the Kentucky AFL-CIO ─ about how he came to know WCRI. Bill has been president of the state’s largest labor organization since 1999. Before becoming state AFL-CIO president, he was secretary-treasurer-business manager of the Greater Louisville Building and Construction Trades Council and a delegate to the Greater Louisville Central Labor Council. He is a member of Louisville Elevator Constructors Local 20.

1) How did you first learn about WCRI?

I first became aware of WCRI when Kentucky was included among the states for analysis in WCRI’s CompScope™ Benchmarks for Kentucky, 16th Edition, which was published in April 1, 2016. Based on WCRI’s excellent analysis in this report, I later joined WCRI’s Kentucky Advisory Committee, which brings together a wide array of workers’ compensation stakeholders to review and advise WCRI on Kentucky’s workers’ compensation system.

2) What value do you derive from being a member of WCRI?

WCRI is an invaluable resource for the Kentucky State AFL-CIO as it provides the most in-depth and accurate information about the Kentucky workers’ compensation system and other states. WCRI’s work has allowed us to compare our workers’ compensation system with other states so we can measure and analyze system outcomes and processes based on comprehensive studies among states included in WCRI research and studies.

3) What is your favorite WCRI study/research area?

My favorite area of WCRI research includes analysis of workers’ compensation benefit delivery and processes.

4) Can you describe a moment when WCRI’s research was really helpful?

WCRI’s research was especially helpful during legislative sessions when changes to Kentucky’s workers’ compensation system were proposed. WCRI provided factual information with which to benchmark proposed changes to the experiences with other states’ workers’ compensation systems. Of particular interest were the discussions around workers’ compensation opioid prescriptions and the fact that due to changes made by the Kentucky Legislature around tracking opioid prescriptions that Kentucky’s workers’ compensation opioid prescriptions had experienced the greatest decline among states included in the study.


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