
WCRI's research allows stakeholders in Minnesota to more independently evaluate our workers' compensation system. It leads to more informed discussion on system reforms in a balanced, unbiased manner. Over the years, all sides—employers and employees—have made their case for reforms using their individual experiences. WCRI's research cuts through the desire to make decisions based on these individual experiences. The Institute's research is presented in an independent, easy-to-understand format with logical comparisons of states, benefits, payments, medical costs, and others. The research allows us to understand the potential impact of proposed reforms as well as those that have already been implemented, which ultimately benefits all stakeholders.

Brad Lehto
Chief of Staff
Minnesota AFL-CIO

The Institute's multistate data enables us to benchmark and provide an objective analysis as to how various state workers' compensation systems compare. Thanks to WCRI, we are able to better analyze cost drivers in these states and this helps us determine the types of programs we need to put in place to mitigate workers' compensation costs.

Michael Fenlon
Senior Director, Corporate Risk Management
United Parcel Service

Our industry has the responsibility to continually improve the workers' compensation process for all parties involved. An important component of successfully meeting this goal is having accurate and relevant data to rely on. The information provided at WCRI's conference impressively fulfills this role.

Steve Perroots
Vice President of Global Claims
Marriott International, Inc.

Data and workers' compensation issues and policymaking go hand in hand and WCRI's studies are invaluable in evaluating trends and cost drivers in our workers' compensation system. Whether it's comparing the price per pill in a hydrocodone prescription dispensed from a physician's office with one dispensed from a pharmacy, or comparing the average indemnity payments per claim with average medical payments per claim, the WCRI data reports are a source of valuable information in setting and evaluating medical fee schedules and guiding rulemaking in our state.

Frank R. McKay
Georgia State Board of Workers' Compensation

WCRI is a key resource for our team. Their reports provide insights across multiple jurisdictions, which is important to our organization since we have employees in every state. The information is relevant to current issues, steers our strategy, and guides our prioritization. Most valuable to us is the independent and rigorous analysis that WCRI performs to ensure the reports are objective.

Joan Vincenz
Corporate Director for Safety
United Airlines