
Webinar: Workers’ Comp Claims Composition & Trends Around the Pandemic

March 20 2025


Join the Workers Compensation Research Institute (WCRI) for an insightful 30-minute webinar on Thursday, April 15, 2025, at 2 PM ET, as we explore findings from our latest FlashReport—Overview of Workers’ Compensation Claims Composition, which evaluated shifts in claim characteristics from 2017 to 2022.

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Recorded Webinar: Impact of Attorney Representation on Workers’ Compensation Payments

November 01 2024


In this 30-minute recorded webinar held on Thursday, November 21, 2024, Dr. Bogdan Sayvch discussed findings from the WCRI study Impact of Attorney Representation on Workers' Compensation Payments.

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Recorded Webinar: Highlights of the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation System

September 06 2024


In a complimentary one-hour webinar on October 2, WCRI Policy Analyst William Monin-Browder and External Relations Director Kathy Fisher shared key insights from the latest CompScope™ Benchmarks and Medical Benchmarks for Pennsylvania, as well as findings from the Institute’s recent drug trends study.

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Recorded Webinar: Trends in Workers’ Compensation Drug Payments Across States

August 01 2024


In this 30-minute webinar, Dr. Vennela Thumula discusses key findings from WCRI's study, Interstate Variation and Trends in Workers’ Compensation Drug Payments, 5th Edition, and takes audience questions.

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Recorded Webinar: Impact of Excessive Heat on Workplace Injuries

June 06 2024


In this 30-minute webinar held on Thursday, June 6, 2024, WCRI Vice President of Research Sebastian Negrusa discussed findings from the Institute’s new study on how excessive heat affects workplace injuries.

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Recorded Webinar: Impact of Vertical Integration on Prices, Medical Utilization, and Outcomes

April 04 2024


In this one-hour webinar held on May 2, 2024, WCRI Senior Policy Analyst Bogdan Savych shared highlights from three WCRI studies on the impact of vertical integration on prices, medical utilization, and outcomes.

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Recorded Webinar: Time to First Medical Service

December 20 2023


In this 30-minute recorded webinar held on Jan. 11, WCRI Senior Research Analyst and author Dr. Rebecca Yang shared findings from Time to First Medical Service—A WCRI FlashReport. Time to first service provides insights for the understanding of access to medical care by workers with injuries.

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Recorded Webinar: CompScope™ Medical Benchmarks, 24th Edition

November 03 2023


In this one-hour recorded webinar, WCRI Senior Analyst Carol Telles shared findings from CompScope™ Medical Benchmarks, 24th Edition and took audience questions. The CompScope™ series is a valuable tool for monitoring how 17 state workers’ compensation systems are performing over time and how they compare to one another across a range of important metrics. The webinar will highlight several general trends that likely relate to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and changes in economic conditions across states.

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Recorded Webinar: Medical Inflation in Workers’ Compensation

September 06 2023


In this 30-min. recorded webinar, authors Olesya Fomenko and Rebecca Yang discussed findings and answered questions from Insights into Medical Inflation in Workers’ Compensation—A WCRI FlashReport.

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Recorded Webinar: Extended Physical Medicine for Workers with Low Back Pain

June 22 2023


In this one-hour recorded webinar, author Dongchun Wang presented findings from WCRI’s Factors Associated with Extended Use of Physical Medicine Services for Workers with Low Back Pain study and took questions from the audience.

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Recorded Webinar: Designing a Workers’ Compensation Medical Fee Schedule

May 11 2023


In this 30-minute recorded webinar, Dr. Olesya Fomenko presents findings from WCRI's study, Designing Workers’ Compensation Medical Fee Schedules, 2022. The study highlights the important design choices faced in adopting, reforming, and updating a workers’ compensation medical fee schedule.

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Recorded Webinar: Behavioral Health in Workers’ Compensation

December 13 2022


In this free 30-minute recorded webinar, Dr. Vennela Thumula discussed findings from the WCRI study, A Primer on Behavioral Health Care in Workers’ Compensation. Workers’ compensation stakeholders recognize that unaddressed behavioral health issues might delay a worker’s recovery and return to work and increase medical costs. This study helps to identify behavioral health issues in workers’ compensation and create a common language and understanding.

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Recorded Webinar: Delaware Workers’ Compensation System

November 17 2022


In this 30-minute recorded webinar, Evelina Radeva discussed findings from the WCRI study Trends in the Delaware Workers’ Compensation System, 2015–2020. In 2014, Delaware passed HB 373, which made changes to the workers’ compensation medical reimbursement system. This report examines the performance of the Delaware workers’ compensation system after the 2014 statutory changes. The goals of the reforms were primarily to reduce medical costs, create a workers’ compensation system that is more efficient, and make Delaware an attractive place for businesses.

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Recorded Webinar: Latest Workers’ Compensation Drug Trends in 28 States

September 29 2022


In this 45-minute recorded webinar held on Sept. 29, Dr. Vennela Thumula and Dongchun Wang discussed findings from the WCRIFlashReport—Interstate Variation and Trends in Workers’ Compensation Drug Payments: 2018Q1 to 2021Q1.

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Recording Webinar: Patterns and Outcomes of Chiropractic Care

May 25 2022


This 60-minute recorded webinar discussed findings from a recently published WCRI study, Chiropractic Care for Workers with Low Back Pain. Attendees learned the study’s key findings about the prevalence and outcomes of chiropractic care, as well as what experts have to say about the chiropractic profession and what the research findings mean from a policy perspective.

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Recorded Webinar: Brown University School of Public Health’s Long COVID-19 Initiative

May 04 2022


In this free 45-minute recorded webinar, WCRI Executive Vice President Ramona Tanabe talks with Dr. Francesca L. Beaudoin about Brown University School of Public Health's Long COVID Initiative.

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Recorded Webinar: Prescribing of Topical Analgesics and Gabapentinoids for Work-Related Injuries

November 18 2021


In this 45-minute recorded webinar, author Vennela Thumula discussed findings from two WCRI studies, Topical Analgesic Use in Workers’ Compensation and Off-Label Use of Gabapentinoids for Work-Related Injuries, and took audience questions.

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Recorded Webinar: Effects of Opioid-Related Policies on Opioid Utilization after Work-Related Injuries

October 22 2021


In this free 45-minute webinar, author Bogdan Savych discussed findings from a recent WCRI study, Effects of Opioid-Related Policies on Opioid Utilization, Nature of Medical Care, and Duration of Disability. The study examined the effects of prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) and other recent regulations on workers with work-related injuries.

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Recorded Webinar: Interstate Variation and Trends in Workers’ Compensation Drug Payments: 2017Q1 to 2020Q1

June 03 2021


In this free, recorded 45-minute webinar, Dr. Vennela Thumula and Dongchun Wang discussed key findings and took audience questions about the WCRI FlashReport — Interstate Variation and Trends in Workers’ Compensation Drug Payments: 2017Q1 to 2020Q1. This study breaks prescription drugs into groups (dermatological agents, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), opioids, compounds, etc.) so you can see where workers’ compensation prescribing dollars are being spent and whether spending for those groups of drugs is going up or down.

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Recorded Webinar: Reoperation & Readmission Rates for Workers’ Compensation Patients Undergoing Lumbar Surgery

April 28 2021


In this one-hour recorded webinar, authors Dr. Rebecca Yang and Dr. Randy Lea discuss key findings and take audience questions about WCRI's study Reoperation & Readmission Rates for Workers’ Compensation Patients Undergoing Lumbar Surgery.

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Recorded Webinar: Early Predictors of Longer-Term Opioid Dispensing

April 01 2021


In this 45-minute webinar, Dr. Vennela Thumula and Dr. Bogdan Savych discuss the study they authored, Early Predictors of Longer-Term Opioid Dispensing, and take audience questions.

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Recorded Webinar: Early Physical Therapy for Injured Workers with Low Back Pain

December 21 2020


In this one-hour recorded webinar, Ms. Dongchun Wang, Dr. Randy Lea, and Dr. Kathryn Mueller discuss the findings from their study, The Timing of Physical Therapy for Low Back Pain: Does It Matter in Workers’ Compensation?

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Recorded Webinar: Performance of the New York Workers’ Compensation System

November 19 2020


In this free, one-hour recorded webinar, William Monnin-Browder and Carol Telles discussed key findings from the WCRI study they authored, Monitoring Trends in the New York Workers’ Compensation System, 2020 Edition.

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Recorded Webinar: Delivery of Medical Care and Return to Work During COVID-19

October 02 2020


In this one-hour recorded webinar, WCRI President and CEO John Ruser interviewed Dr. Randy Lea and Dr. Mark Herbert about the delivery of medical care and return to work in the COVID-19 era. Dr. Lea is a senior research fellow at WCRI, an orthopedic surgeon, and a hospital chief medical officer in Columbus, OH. Dr. Herbert is a colleague of Dr. Lea and an infectious disease specialist.

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Recorded Webinar: COVID-19 Compensability

May 14 2020


In this free 30-minute recorded webinar, WCRI CEO John Ruser and Judge David Langham, deputy chief judge of compensation claims for the Florida Office of Judges of Compensation Claims at the Division of Administrative Hearings, discussed this important topic and took audience questions.

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Recorded Webinar: Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation System

January 10 2020


In this free 30-minute recorded webinar, William Monnin-Browder, a policy analyst and author of WCRI's CompScope™ benchmarks studies, discussed key cost drivers, trends, and the performance of the Pennsylvania workers’ compensation system as compared with 17 other states.

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Recorded Webinar: Latest Research on Fee Schedules and Medical Prices

November 12 2019


The various design choices of fee schedule regulations and their impact on variation in medical prices and payments across state workers’ compensation systems were discussed during this one-hour webinar.

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Recorded Webinar: Defining Centers of Excellence

September 12 2019


As policymakers and other stakeholders look for ways to improve outcomes for workers injured on the job, one health care delivery model that has received a lot of attention lately is Centers of Excellence (CsOE). In this free one-hour recorded…

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Recorded Webinar: Trends in Opioid Dispensing to Injured Workers

August 08 2019


In this hour-long webinar, Dr. Vennela Thumula discussed the findings from a recently released WCRI study that found that fewer injured workers in 27 states received opioids as compared with previous years.

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Recorded Webinar: Role of Medical Prices in Outcomes of Injured Workers

July 11 2019


In this hour-long webinar, Dr. Bogdan Savych discussed findings from the WCRI study Workers’ Compensation Medical Prices and Outcomes of Injured Workers and took questions from the audience. The study is the first to combine surveys of injured workers with claims data to provide a comprehensive look at the relationship between workers’ compensation prices for medical services and the outcomes that workers experience after a work-related injury.

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Recorded Webinar: Correlates of Opioid Dispensing in Workers’ Compensation

April 18 2019


In this free one-hour webinar, WCRI provided an overview of its latest research on opioid dispensing to injured workers, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) highlighted the comprehensive steps it is taking to assist workers and employers facing the opioid misuse and overdose crisis, and to protect first responders on the frontlines of the epidemic.

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Recorded Webinar: Future of Value-Based Care in Workers’ Compensation

January 10 2019


In this free, one-hour recorded webinar, Dr. Randall Lea, an orthopedic surgeon and senior research fellow at WCRI, discusses the fundamentals of value-based care (VBC) and its potential use in workers’ compensation. “Some believe VBC will…

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Recorded Webinar: Shift in Where Injured Workers Receive Medical Care

November 29 2018


In the last decade or so, many medical services for injured workers have shifted from hospitals to nonhospital providers, including ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs). These changes are an important factor underlying the trends in medical payments per claim.

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Recorded Webinar: Impact of Pennsylvania Physician Dispensing Reform and Emerging Trend of New Pharmacies

September 27 2018


In this one-hour recorded webinar, Vennela Thumula and Dongchun Wang discuss WCRI research on the impact of Pennsylvania’s physician dispensing reform.

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Recorded Webinar: Impact of Opioid Prescriptions on Duration of Temporary Disability

May 23 2018


In this 45-minute recorded webinar, Dr. Bogdan Savych discussed the findings from a recently published WCRI study, The Impact of Opioid Prescriptions on Duration of Temporary Disability.

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Recorded Webinar: Examining Hospital Reimbursement in Several States

January 18 2018


In this one-hour recorded webinar, Carol Telles discusses the impact of changes to hospital reimbursement in the following states: Florida, Georgia, Indiana, and North Carolina. Ms. Telles shared findings from WCRI’s CompScope™ Medical Benchmarks, 17th Edition, which examined the costs, prices, and utilization of workers’ compensation medical care in 18 states through March 2016 for injuries occurring mainly in 2010–2015.

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Recorded Webinar: Latest Research on Fee Schedules and Medical Prices

November 02 2017


In this one-hour recorded webinar, authors Rebecca Yang and Olesya Fomenko discussed the various design choices of fee schedule regulations and their impact on variation in medical payments across state workers’ compensation systems.

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Recorded Webinar: Latest Worker Outcomes Research

October 10 2017


In this free 45-minute recorded webinar, Dr. Bogdan Savych discussed the Institute's recently published worker outcomes studies, Comparing Outcomes for Injured Workers, 2016 Interviews. The outcomes examined included recovery of physical health and functioning, return to work, earnings recovery, access to medical care, and satisfaction with medical care.

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Recorded Webinar: Latest Opioid Research

September 07 2017


This webinar discusses WCRI's latest research on interstate variations and trends in the prescribing of opioids for workplace injuries. It was recorded on Sept. 28, 2017. Authors Dongchun Wang and Vennela Thumula discussed findings from the following studies and took audience questions.

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Recorded Webinar: Provider Choice Research

May 23 2017


Should the choice of provider in workers' compensation cases be left to workers or employers? We discuss our study, The Effects of Provider Choice Policies on Workers’ Compensation Costs, in this recorded webinar. The webinar was hosted by Dr. Bogdan Savych, the author of the study and a public policy analyst at WCRI.

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